Database Information

Our databases are very extensive so please be patient while the page loads.
All Prices subject to change, Postage and VAT.
If it appears that your requested part is unavailable please contact us and we will do our best to help.

Downloading Adobe Reader

To open this catalogue you will need to have Adobe Reader installed. This is a common programme which is free to download.

If you do not have the correct software it can be downloaded for free here.

Searching the Catalogue
1. To search for an item click on the binocular icon at the top of the page: Or there may be a green search box already showing.

2. This will the open a Search Box on the right hand side of the window enabling you to search the database.

3. The database is best search using part numbers, these can be found in parts books, we advise all of our customers to have a Genuine parts book as it allows you to see exploded views of the parts you need along with the quantities. The part numbers are in the following format; xx-xxxx Therefore for numbers such as 2-22, should be converted to 02-0022.

4. The window will either scan down to the part number which was entered or state that it cannot be found.

Catalogue Codes

There are certain abbreviations which will sometimes be used in the price field. They are explained below:

POA    –    Price on Application, This could mean that we have the item listed under an alternative part number or that we are waiting for stock to be updated. Please check with us for further details.

NA    –    Not Available, This means that we do not have this part in stock, and we do not currently have any plans to get it.

Temp Out    –    Temporally Out, This means that we have now sold out of this item, but we are likely to be having some more into stock in the near future. Contact us for more details.

?0.00    –    This can mean a variety of the above. There may be an alternative we can offer, it may be temp out, or it is available second hand. Please contact us for further info.


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